Hey Bloglings!
It seemed cheerful and slightly condescending. Which is what I'm into at the moment.
Let me explain. I'm creating a Theatre piece, the only directive for it is, at this stage, the quote, "Everybody is Hideous". What I'm looking for is stories. I'll be scoping some out in my hometown, but I thought I'd give the big world wide web a shout out too. Got any stories of people being hideous? Any ideas or anecdotes would be most appreciated, and I'll credit you and make you famous.*
So, onto other news, guess what I'm doing today with the fabulous Cupcakes?
We're hanging out in a cooly airconditioned mac lab at university, on our holidays, trying desperately to burn DVD's. Why? Awhile ago we had an idea to write a short film about the bittersweet prolonged encounters with the waiter at our favourite coffee shop. We were then set the task of creating a short film for an editing class we took last semester. At that point we realised that to apply for government funding in our fair country it was preferable to have entered a film in a film festival previously. And so, being big believers in killing many birds with one measely pebble, we set about making our first short film; allowing us to make the film we'd always wanted to, for assessment (meaning we could use uni resources for free) and then bung it in Tropfest, a world renowned short film festival. So far we've accomplished the first two, however today we've gotten quite a bit stuck on getting the correct formatting to enter in the festival. We've been here for five hours now, with about an hours break when we went to chat to our lecturer. And get told how to format it. And it's NOT WORKING.
We're nearing the end of our tether, getting dangerously close to the last straw, a wee bit frustrated, spitting frogs....
We're going crazy.

Wanna see?
The good thing about mac labs at universities is that they have funtimes photo software and webcams.

Oh yeah.
This is why we're alive.
We're gonna go to the gym now.
bye bye
BuzzChild and Cupcakes
*There are no guarantees in showbiz kids. I hereby forfeit all responsibility to make you famous.
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